First Responder Project Planning

Thank You For Your Service!

At Brian M. Douglas & Associates, we are in awe of the courageous men and women who risk their lives and make daily sacrifices to protect and serve the public in times of urgent need.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, there are over 25 million first responders working and living in the United States, and we wish we were able to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of them. Unfortunately, our reach isn’t that broad, so instead we would like to express our deep gratitude to first responders (firefighters, EMS, rescue, police officers, military, and civilian support teams) right here in Georgia. These incredible individuals save lives and protect our communities daily, and we would like to recognize their hard work by offering a 10% price reduction on all of our estate planning services.

Atlanta Area “Thank a Teacher” Award

Brian M. Douglas & Associates cares deeply about the families we serve. We know that there is little more important to these families than protecting their children and providing a supportive environment in which they can learn and grow. Teachers have an incredible impact on children’s growth, development, and preparation for a successful future.

Brian M. Douglas & Associates would like to invite you to join us in thanking the deserving teachers of Atlanta. Each month during the school year (from September to May), we will select a teacher to be celebrated for his or her hard work and commitment to education. The winner will be featured on our website and social media platforms and to receive a $250 VISA gift card.

Please take a few minutes to nominate a teacher who you believe has had a positive impact on a student or community in your area. Fill out the form below, and we will choose one deserving teacher each month to give a big “Thanks!”